

OpenSubtitles: Chinese Variation

Richard Lian / 2019-04-26 /

These are subtitles from the OpenSubtitles corpus along with some of my own that I crawled.

There are a ton of subtitles that are literal translations of each other. I tried my best to filter them out. This is the result…

The goal is to find some interesting things between Taiwan Mandarin and Mainland Mandarin…

from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
import pickle
import string

from jseg import Jieba
from opencc import OpenCC
from zhon.hanzi import punctuation
with open('all_subs.txt') as f:
    subs = [line.strip().split('\t') for line in f.readlines()]
# [TM, MM]
[['你老是跟我說', '你老是告诉我'],
 ['你不擔心它變得比人類聰明嗎?', '创世纪不仅为消费者打造'],
 ['就我一人', '让我去。'],
 ['各位,安全是第一優先', '他在那儿逗她笑'],
 ['喂媽媽', '喂,妈'],
 ['我想是的我不認為我還有淚', '大概不再有了'],
 ['我的意思是馬上就要', '表示我现在就要!'],
 ['-你「覺得」?', '我觉得你会在这边用早餐'],
 ['你是如何回答的', '对'],
 ['丹,你怎麼了?', '洗碗洗碗!']]
tm, mm = zip(*subs)
print(len(tm), len(mm))
2953619 2953619
s2tw = OpenCC('s2tw')
# Going to use Jseg, so I'll convert to traditional
mm = [s2tw.convert(line) for line in mm]
j = Jieba()
tm_seg = [j.seg(line) for line in tm]
mm_seg = [j.seg(line) for line in mm]
DEBUG:jseg.jieba:loading default dictionary
# segmenting actually takes a super long time. Probably should have used multiprocessing...
with open('tm_seg.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(tm_seg, f)
with open('mm_seg.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(mm_seg, f)
tm_seg[0], mm_seg[0]
(('你', '老是', '跟', '我', '說'), ('你', '老是', '告訴', '我'))
# use chain.from_iterable() to flatten a list of lists
tm_flat = chain.from_iterable(tm_seg)
mm_flat = chain.from_iterable(mm_seg)
# it is an itertools.chain object
tm_count = Counter(tm_flat)
mm_count = Counter(mm_flat)
with open('baidu_stopwords.txt') as f:
    stopwords = [s2tw.convert(s) for s in f.read().split('\n')]
# remove stopwords
for s in stopwords:
    if s in tm_count:
        del tm_count[s]
    if s in mm_count:
        del mm_count[s]
# remove punctuation
for p in list(punctuation + string.punctuation):
    if p in tm_count:
        del tm_count[p]
    if p in mm_count:
        del mm_count[p]
# not sure what I can gather from this...
for t, m in zip(tm_count.most_common(50), mm_count.most_common(50)):
    print(t, m)
('說', 100901) ('知道', 104963)
('知道', 99615) ('說', 103681)
('他們', 92660) ('他們', 97454)
('會', 86571) ('會', 86729)
('想', 75782) ('想', 77671)
('沒有', 56905) ('沒有', 61480)
('做', 52416) ('做', 56454)
('沒', 47848) ('現在', 50511)
('現在', 46849) ('沒', 47361)
('妳', 41502) ('裡', 33924)
('不會', 32791) ('不會', 33755)
('事', 32227) ('告訴', 32420)
('告訴', 29883) ('事', 31524)
('走', 28838) ('需要', 30272)
('需要', 28717) ('走', 29971)
('先生', 27811) ('先生', 29005)
('不能', 26325) ('已經', 28895)
('次', 26280) ('不能', 27154)
('已經', 25307) ('次', 26872)
('什么', 24435) ('覺得', 24653)
('真的', 24097) ('喜歡', 24528)
('喜歡', 23293) ('真的', 23885)
('快', 22933) ('東西', 23537)
('覺得', 22313) ('謝謝', 22772)
('種', 22002) ('種', 22300)
('謝謝', 21854) ('快', 21980)
('東西', 21768) ('不要', 20994)
('我要', 20897) ('我要', 20659)
('不要', 20727) ('我會', 20542)
('我會', 19727) ('問題', 20202)
('問題', 19424) ('好了', 19939)
('兩', 19129) ('兩', 19270)
('看到', 18919) ('可能', 19264)
('好了', 18905) ('應該', 19154)
('應該', 18838) ('看到', 18968)
('找', 18569) ('個人', 18891)
('可能', 18534) ('太', 18341)
('太', 18167) ('找', 18077)
('個人', 17916) ('時間', 17453)
('裡', 17690) ('請', 17445)
('請', 17183) ('中', 16255)
('幫', 16802) ('工作', 16023)
('時間', 16211) ('幫', 16000)
('工作', 15217) ('孩子', 15972)
('找到', 15022) ('一下', 15645)
('中', 15003) ('更', 15562)
('一下', 14977) ('找到', 15510)
('真', 14858) ('相信', 14989)
('聽', 14667) ('看看', 14861)
('相信', 14646) ('聽', 14775)